Water Rates

Water for most of the homes in the neighborhood is provided by two common wells located on the property at the north end of Hill Point. Owned by the association, the wells are constantly maintained and water is tested regularly to ensure it conforms to the standards required by the State of Michigan.  The pump house servicing the wells has a computerized power back-up system to guarantee an uninterrupted water supply to those residents on the community water system.  If you have a question regarding your water please contact the CAHA board member who is the Director - Water System, Ryan Keough at 269-519-8650 (Cell).

CAHA Member

  • Residential: $46.67 per month, billed $140.00 per quarter in arrears.


  • Residential: $73.33 per month, billed $220.00 per quarter in arrears.
  • *Commercial/Agricultural: $108.33 per month, billed $325.00 per quarter in arrears.

Homeowner is considered a CAHA member in good standing if the annual dues have been paid. ($270 for lakeside property and $190 for non-lakeside property).

Usage Fee paid for monthly water service.

The original developer did not consistently install water meters, so the billing is done at a flat rate.

This pays for the monthly costs to run the system, including but not limited to; electricity, liquid propane backup system, phone warning system, water testing, basic preventative maintenance, insurance, etc.

This usage fee is also used to build a capital reserve for future major repairs or improvements of the water system.

* CommercialAgricultural rate applies if you use CAHA-provided water to to operate a business or grow crops which you sell or otherwise provide to others. This does not include neighbors sharing small quantities of excess produce.

Revised 3/23/2022

Related Information

Water RatesWater System Emergency ProcedureWater System Flushing Procedure